Today in several places of the world is informed thar FARC the revolucionary army of Colombia has decided liberate 3 prisioner of war.One is Clara Rojas a lawyer and a politician woman the former secretaty of Betancourt also hostage who remain for several years as hostage in the middle of colombian selva,the other is Consuelo Gonzalez a fomer congresist and Emannuel the Clara son born in cautivity product of a sentimental relationships with a guerillero .Chavez have the credits.In fact the prisioner after the liberation must fly to venezuelan soil in venezuelan aircrat with the simbol of international Red Cross by colombian army demand .The problem is the action in batles including Farc and 20.000 soldiers colombian government.The operation involved representant of Argentina,Brasil,Bolivia,France and Venezuela.This last must give the logistic with aircrafts ans helicopters.The conditions of guerrilla leaders are the no army action in the times of lasting operation and that the free people must go to Venezuela.For Chavez is a good oportunity to show his political strong influence over Farc.But for Presidentr Uribe is a kind of diplomatic defeat because Colombia government appear with a pasive rol and acepting Farc conditions